Jaguar Jonze - Cindy Vogels - Murder Film Clip Collaboration / by Cindy Vogels


Jaguar Jonze is a multi-dimensional musician with an enigmatic yet vulnerable presence. Delivering defiant ferocity through smoky vocals that shift between fragile and forceful, Jaguar Jonze’s lyrics confront shame, vulnerability, trauma, and taboos in an authentic way; inviting listeners to step into her world and dig deep into their psyche.

My first ever collaboration article for Gympie Living Magazine began with an image of Deena Lynch (aka Jaguar Jonze) and I, right here in G Town (Gympie), posing in front of her Art series BMW. She had driven from Brisbane to my home studio for a pretty big fitting in late June 2020 in the lead up to a major film clip production that would be filmed in Sydney in July.

My growing body of work for the Jaguar Jonze project has potentially been the most personally monumental in my professional journey since working for Lady Gaga. The work is also in the space I thrive best, at the intersection of Music, Fashion and Costumery. This for me makes an artist like Deena the ultimate client and muse.

Back in July I packed my car full of fabric, my sewing machines and everything I thought I could possibly need to set up a satellite studio in Sydney. I had 4 separate wardrobes to fit, finish and deliver to Deena for 4 different film clips being shot over four days (I have never worked at this pace or at this capacity, typically the teams I have worked with shoot one film clip at a time, and my lead time is 6 weeks minimum on each film clip).

My partner John took time off to accompany me on the strangest logistical road trip I’ve ever taken …. Covid19 was just causing havoc in VIC and adding fear to our journey, the first Sydney hotspots were making the news right as we left Gympie for Sydney! Argh! We stayed overnight in Coffs Harbour to sleep and kept checking updates the whole way down in the hope our destination for our accommodation and the filming location hadn’t made the news or the hotspot list.

Thankfully, we arrived safe in Riverstone, I set up the coolest satellite studio at the Good Egg Studio, looking out over the production set space from the loft offices above. I laid out four different film clip wardrobes and was off and running into my creative zone with Jaguar Jonze and the awesome team she had assembled for this epic week of shooting. The head of set design was downstairs on the ground with his crew painting and building, my partner John jumped in to assist. Ribal Hosn our Director was checking in with us all on progress for the first clip to shoot the following day ….. DEAD ALIVE , which was released in sept. MURDER is the current release we also worked on during that week. I am super ridiculously proud, as Christian Louboutin reached out to Deena and offered her the most incredible black boots to wear with my work in the latest clip …… I’ll close on that.


#creativesunite and GO FORTH AND COLLABORATE!

Cindy Vogels Article initially published in Gympie Living Magazine in December 2020.
